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Recipes (cont'd)


Asparagus soup (4 port.)

1 teaspoon of oil
1/2 onion
2 celery stalks
1 teaspoon dill
1 pound asparagus

1 steamed potato
2 cups of water and vegetable stock
2 cups of soy milk
salt, pepper, and spices

Chop onion and celery, heat oil and fry onion. Add dill, stir well. Mix other ingredients in blender.

Carrot Coconut soup (2 port.)

2 teaspoons of oil
2 tablespoons of oatmeal
1 teaspoon ginger
4 carrots
1 tin coconut milk
1 cup water
salt, pepper, and spices
fresh herbs of choice

Heat oil and add oatmeal. Fry for 2-3 minutes and stir well. Mix other ingredients in blender.

Celery Oatmeal soup (3-4 port.)

2 teaspoons of oil
1/2 onion
1/2 cup cooked oatmeal
2 cups water and vegetable stock
1 cup soy milk
7 celery stalks with leaves
salt, pepper

Heat oil, fry onion, stir well. Mix celery with vegetable stock in blender. Add oatmeal and soy milk, heat.

Avocado Cottage cheese soup (2 port.)

1/2-1 avocado
1 celery stalk
garlic, onion or spring onion
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
125 gram cottage cheese
1/3 broccoli head
1 cup of water and vegetable stock
2 dates or 1 teaspoon honey
2 table spoons yogurt
salt, pepper

Heat water and dissolve stock. Mix ingredients in blender. Garnish with cherry tomatoes cut in halves.

Spinach Curry soup (2 port.)

2 teaspoons of oil
1 onion
1 teaspoon curry
1 bunch of spinach
2 apples
1 courgette
2 cups of water and vegetable stock
salt, pepper, spices

Chop onion and fry, add curry and stir well. Mix other ingredients in blender.


12 - Well Being Diet