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The Mayas

As part of their trial for victory over the Lords of Negativitry, Hun Ahpu and Ix
Balanque are challenged by the Dark Lords to a series of rough-and-tumble
ball games that in many ways resemble modern day soccer.

Maya ball game

For many years since 1984 Beike Bo Sobaoko Kokorom has argued that there are
profound connections between the culture of the Tainos and the culture of the Mayas.
This connection was recognized by a number of other students of ancient civilizations.
Most of the archeological establishment has been very resistant to this concept.
Archeologists have always doubted that there was any real contact between these two
closely neighboring peoples. Now an increasing amount of archeological evidence is forcing
established scholarship to revamp their theories about the historical relationship
beteen our people and the mayas of Yucatan.

The following excerpt is from a published archeological article:

"How beautiful to see the world
through the Maya prism
with its five cardinal directions.

Can this be learned by Westerners
who see just two directions:

East and West?"

These are the names, and one of many interpretations of the
symbols used by the ancient Mayas to depict the twenty
concepts upon which they based their Tzolkin

To me these people represent the heart and soul
of the Maya, because they dare to speak the truth
about their people. After 500 years in which many groups
have attempted to make them disappear, they prove that the
Maya are not a civilization which has vanished.

I have attempted to capture their spirit in these pages which I
have created for them. It is my sincerest hope that it gives them
and the Maya the respect and honor which they so justly deserve.

Oios Botik
(Thank you)

Mayan Stories



"My sweet beloved homeland,
your voice and my song
joined today in exile
wound me
like a dagger in my soul."

Patria, mi dulce amada,
tu voz y mi canto
unidos hoy en el exilio
me duelen
como puñal en al alma."


Chiapas Highlands

Chiapas Menu

Earliest Maya Writings Found

Ode to Chiapas

Kotzíb' (Nuestra Literatura Maya)

Maya Educational Foundation

Maya Literature and Language

Maya Photo Archive

Maya Music

Mayan Priests & Warriors

Mayan Ruins

Yax Te' Foundation

The Dreamspell is a special interpretation of the ancient Mayan Calendar
which was channeled from the ancient Mayan priest-king Pacal
Votan through Jose Arguelles in harmony with the oracles of the
Jaguar Priests of the Yucatan the Priests of Chilan Balam.
The count of days in the Dreamspell does not coincide with the count of
days of the ancient Classic Maya calendar or the calendar of the
present-day Quiche of Guatemala. It is not meant to do that at all.
Instead it is meant to be used in harmony with and not in competition
with those other calendars see the statement by the
Dreamspell Movement on this subject for further explanation.

Mayan Leaders

These home pages are dedicated to all Mayan people
wherever they may be, but especially to the following friends:

Rigoberta Menchu>

"What I treasure most in life is being able to dream. During my
most difficult moments and complex situations I have been able to
dream of a more beautiful future.

What hurts Indians most is our costumes are considered beautiful, but
it's as if the person wearing them didn't exist."

Victor Montejo

Author of: Sculpted Stones

"How it pains me,
The silence of my ancestors
Who, little by little
Were stilled,
Their traces disappearing
Like the distant wind
Of the unknowable stars.

Their voices extinguished
As the fire
Hidden by night
Only to be put out
By the rains
And their steps
Almost erased like obscure
Pages of ancient codices"

© Curbstone Press

Fernando Peñalosa

First Congress of Indigenous
Literatures of the Americas

Sponsored by:

Gaspar Pedro González

Author of: Mayan Life

© Yax Te' Foundation

Mayan Calendar
Mayan Civilization
Mayan Epigraphic Database Project
Mayan Languages
Teachings from the Heart of Maya Land

Tainos and the Ancient Mayas


"How far I am from you, homeland,
as I carry in my blood
a bubbling of sunlight
struggle and hope.

In your name, homeland,
and in the name of your sons,
the thousands of disposessed,
I'll lift my head and fight
as you wanted me to."

Indigenous Peoples' Literature Return to Indigenous Peoples' Literature

Compiled by: Glenn Welker

Copyright @ 1993-2016

This site has been accessed 10,000,000 times since February 8, 1996.