Marcos' Book Of Mirrors

Don Durito de la Lacondona

"Somos Todos Marcos!"
(Zapata Vive en Chiapas!)


"Who Is This Masked Man?"

"Storm from the Mountain"
is a beautiful and empowering video documenting the historic three weeks in Mexico from Feb 24 to March 11, 2001.

Originally satellite cast nationally on Free Speech TV March 14, the video follows the Zapatista caravan as it journeyed through 12 Mexican states visiting indigenous communities, eventually arriving in Mexico City to be greeted by over 300,000 people.

"My sweet beloved homeland,
your voice and my song
joined today in exile
wound me
like a dagger in my soul."



Zapatista Web Sites

Zapatista's Art Gallery by Latuff

"Patria, mi dulce amada,
tu voz y mi canto
unidos hoy en el exilio
me duelen
como puñal en al alma."
Frontera de la Palabra    
Palabra Conjurada
(First Mayan Book on the Internet)
Virtual Art Gallery of Chiapas

Chiapas has seen it's share of the
"GOOD", the "BAD", and the "UGLY":

Bartolomo de las Casas -- Hernan Cortes

"Basta de gritar contra el viento.
Toda palabra es ruido si no esta acompanada de accion."

Gloria Anzaldua

Che Guevara

"Let me say at the risk of seeming ridiculous
that a true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love."


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